Sculptural Installation of postcards Atkinson created for PostSecretX at Misericordia University

Kailey Atkinson is an artist and educator from Easton, PA. Her primary mediums are mixed media collage and illustration. She collects imagery from sources dating back to the late 1800’s, but most often from the early to mid 1900s. Through found imagery and experimentation with a range of materials, she creates narratives that explore topics like body image, memory, mental and physical illness, identity, feminism, gender roles, politics, and personality, exposing what is below the surface in her art. 

Her work may seem simply playful at first, drawing viewers in with glitter, vibrant colors, mysterious textures, sassy text, and unexpected juxtapositions of imagery. Upon closer looking, she hopes viewers find connections to their own experiences and recognize the deeper meaning within her work. By using imagery of the past, she hopes to draw parallels to the ways our society and its expectations of women are still problematic.

Kailey finds being an artist and having a career in the arts go hand in hand, embracing how these separate worlds inspire each other. She is currently pursuing her MFA at Clark University and teaching at Commonwealth Charter Academy. Kailey received her Art Teacher Certification at Moravian University, BA in Studio Art with a Minor in Art History at Cedar Crest College, and AA in Fine Art at Northampton Community College.